Things a first time mom should know

As a newborn photographer, a previous postpartum nurse and a mom of two, I feel like I know quite a bit about little ones.

I know being a new and first time mom can be kind of scary. Okay, REALLY scary! But I am here to give you some advice I wish someone had given me.

  • If you breast feed, your baby gets everything you take in. Therefore, any gassy foods like onion, garlic and especially dairy will cause your baby to be gassy. Also one of the main food groups that cause issues in babies is dairy. The protein in dairy is hard for their digestive tract to breakdown. If your baby is kicking his or her legs a lot and crying or seeming fussy, try cutting back on these foods.
  • It is OKAY to give your baby a pacifier. There is no specific time frame that you HAVE TO wait. The one thing to consider is if you are breastfeeding , make sure baby is latching well before you introduce it. My daughter was in the NICU and was immediately given a pacifier even before breastfeeding was truly established with her and she was so good at latching. My son had really bad gas issues and the pacifier was the only thing that would truly comfort him and calm him down.
  • Thirdly, you are not a bad mom if you formula feed. Sometimes choosing formula over breastfeeding is better for your baby and family. Your baby needs you. And if breastfeeding causes more problems for you than good, then formula may be a better option for you.
  • Babies usually get what is called baby acne or a baby rash anytime between 1 and 4 weeks. It is completely normal. You should not pick at them, or put anything on them.
  • Lets talk about umbilical cords. They may look gross at first but they should fall off by 4 weeks of age. Never pull them off. If it starts to smell bad, look red around it, or is oozing then you should call your pediatrician. It could be infected.
  • If you plan to get a circumcision on your little boy keep in mind some of the hospitals in Arizona will do them at the hospital after birth. Most Arizona hospitals do not however. You will get this done with your pediatrician. Keep in mind that if you choose to do this and want to schedule newborn photos, the session needs to be before the circumcision or at least 5 days after.
  • Speaking of pediatricians, you have to have a pediatrician chosen before you leave the hospital. It is a good idea to research and find one before you give birth. Ask for recommendations from friends, family or even in moms groups.

I really hope that is helps new first time moms out there. I know I would have appreciated knowing some of these things before I had my first baby.

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