My 3 Favorite Newborn Photography Poses

As a Phoenix Maternity and Newborn photographer I love capturing babies in all sorts of photos. I of course have a workflow to capture baby in different props, poses and colors, however there are a few poses that are my absolute favorite.

My first favorite pose is the bucket pose. There is just something so sweet about a baby in a bucket! I love seeing there little face and hands directly in front of me. And I have something called a bucket hugger that allows me to change out the design and color of the bucket to match what my client wants for their session. This bucket hugger is from Hello Little Props.

The Second favorite newborn pose is called bum up. It is where baby is naked and squished up. You get to see their little tush and all the squishy rolls. Even a smaller, skinnier baby can show some rolls when we do this pose. Parents tend to love this as well.

And my third favorite. I think it is a tie! I love both head on hands and froggy. Froggy is a harder pose to get. Baby has to be in a deep sleep for this pose. This pose is also a composite photo and takes two separate images to get the final product. The head on hands is simpler but so so cute. Froggy pose tends to be a parent favorite as well.

I love every pose ultimately but these would be some of my top favorites to get. And these are all in my newborn session workflow for every session unless requested not to have these certain poses.